It started again last night - Tetelestai (on the web @ http://www.tetelestai-cpam.org/). I was stressing because I wanted to drive to Brecksville for opening night but we were under a lake effect snow warning and as I age, er, um, mature . . . I am growing less fond of driving in snow after dark. Something about not being able to see the road terrifies me - go figure. Well the warning was cancelled around 2:00 so off I went. It was a very good show. The director made some creative and spiritually powerful changes that left me with goose bumps!
Being a former cast member, sitting in the audience was a different perspective. I stayed close to my comfort zone and sat in front of my peeps at the sound board - they know and understand my emotions whereas if I had sat amongst perfect strangers I would have felt somewhat self-conscience wiping tears and sniffling for self control.
It was also good to connect with the rest of my "family" - my sunshine Elizabeth - a 26 yr old young lady with some learning disabilites whom had a horrid childhood until she was adopted by the most faithfilled humble attorney and his family. Then there's my favorite diva, Theresa. She has MS and is absolutely my hero. She gets up and into her motorized wheelchair when her husband Joe (one of my soundboard buds) leaves for work - about 6:30 a.m. and is in it unitl he puts her to bed at night. This is the wee hours of the morning on performance days. Theresa is often overlooked by the cast - she doesn't want special treatment and hesitates to ask for help. I was her advocate and oftentimes her mouthpiece. I remember one facility had 3 small steps down to our "gathering area" where we hold prayer and praise prior to the show and at intermission. She was "parked" at the top of the stairs and around the corner trying to participate as best she could - I went to my DS and requested he and some of the guys go and lift her chair down those steps so she could fully participate with us. They did and our family was complete once she joined us. See what I mean? How many cast members walked right past her before I got there and didn't see her? Anyhow, it was great to sit and talk with her last night. And by best girlfriend Barb - whom my kids swear is my twin and we were separated at birth! And my surrogate dad Tom - when he saw me walking toward him he just held his arms open and I walked into them. I hadn't seen him since I made the decision not to be in the cast. He's one of the people I miss the most. He's taught me sooooo much about trusting God and living a faith-filled life. I could go on and on because everyone in the cast has touched my heart at different times and in different ways.
I got home about 12:40 a.m - and was turning my light off at 12: 51! Now it's almost 10 a.m and I'd better get started on my Saturday chores - Teen Challenge tonight with CMA!!!! I can't wait!
Being a former cast member, sitting in the audience was a different perspective. I stayed close to my comfort zone and sat in front of my peeps at the sound board - they know and understand my emotions whereas if I had sat amongst perfect strangers I would have felt somewhat self-conscience wiping tears and sniffling for self control.
It was also good to connect with the rest of my "family" - my sunshine Elizabeth - a 26 yr old young lady with some learning disabilites whom had a horrid childhood until she was adopted by the most faithfilled humble attorney and his family. Then there's my favorite diva, Theresa. She has MS and is absolutely my hero. She gets up and into her motorized wheelchair when her husband Joe (one of my soundboard buds) leaves for work - about 6:30 a.m. and is in it unitl he puts her to bed at night. This is the wee hours of the morning on performance days. Theresa is often overlooked by the cast - she doesn't want special treatment and hesitates to ask for help. I was her advocate and oftentimes her mouthpiece. I remember one facility had 3 small steps down to our "gathering area" where we hold prayer and praise prior to the show and at intermission. She was "parked" at the top of the stairs and around the corner trying to participate as best she could - I went to my DS and requested he and some of the guys go and lift her chair down those steps so she could fully participate with us. They did and our family was complete once she joined us. See what I mean? How many cast members walked right past her before I got there and didn't see her? Anyhow, it was great to sit and talk with her last night. And by best girlfriend Barb - whom my kids swear is my twin and we were separated at birth! And my surrogate dad Tom - when he saw me walking toward him he just held his arms open and I walked into them. I hadn't seen him since I made the decision not to be in the cast. He's one of the people I miss the most. He's taught me sooooo much about trusting God and living a faith-filled life. I could go on and on because everyone in the cast has touched my heart at different times and in different ways.
I got home about 12:40 a.m - and was turning my light off at 12: 51! Now it's almost 10 a.m and I'd better get started on my Saturday chores - Teen Challenge tonight with CMA!!!! I can't wait!
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