Monday, February 15, 2010


Does this bother anyone else??? I work in an office with 4 other women. At one time there were 7 of us and the gossip has always bothered me . . . to the point where I have picked up my lunch from the table and went to sit in my car to eat. That was a quite few years ago. My solution was to avoid spending time with these ladies so I wouldn't have to be subjected to thier gossip. When my son-in-law wanted to talk to me about marrying my daughter, he took me to a local establishment for a drink and one of my co-workers was there with a group of her friends. I knew that within 24 hours I would be the talk of the school district. By 10 a.m. the next morning, word was out in my office that I was seen out on a date with a much younger man. This woman went to everyone else in the office pumping them for any info they might have on my personal life. She never came to me. The one person in the office that I am friends with told "Ms Gossip" that he was someone I met online and the "drink date" was our first actual meeting! It's what Ms Gossip wanted to hear. Juicy gossip. So we fed it to her.

I'm older and bolder now. I let my intolerance be known. Recently our CMA treasurer was sharing "in Christian love". She was repeating what she heard from another chapter secretary - about their road captain's son becoming a member of CMA and how he wasn't even saved and was living with a woman before he was divorced, etc, etc. Our treasurer doesn't even know the young man personally . . . let alone what's in his heart. I was livid. This was in our chapter's officer's meeting. I seethingly asked her to stop becasue what she was saying was gossip. I now regret the seething part, but not having asked her to stop. In retrospect I could have been a little gentler . . . but the young man's parents are friends of mine with whom I had spoken regarding this matter and felt I needed to stop the poison from being spread any further.

A wise lawyer friend provided this test to me: Think about what you are about to say and ask yourself these 3 questions.
  1. Is what I'm about to say kind?
  2. Is what I'm about to say true?
  3. Is what I'm about to say necessary to be said?

If the statement you are about to make doesn't pass this test with all YES answers, dont' say it.

If what you're about to say would hurt someone if they knew you were saying it, if you don't have first-hand knowledge that what you're saying is true or if the statement could be left unspoken without dire ramifications . . . don't say it.

It's not rocket science and gossip hurts. Enough venting. Until next time and topic at least.


Saturday, February 13, 2010


Last night was the opening prayerformance of Tetelestai - the passion play produced by the Cleveland Performing Arts Ministries. Our family has been involved with this ministry for about 13 years. This is my second season "sitting out" so to speak. My son, Matt, remains involved.

A few years ago, I heard God telling me it was time to let go of that ministry. I didn't listen and the next year I was given a very powerful role - a converting LOE (Lady Of the Evening!) I knew that would be my last gift from God in Tetelestai. CMA has taken it's place as far as ministry and personal growth. Ah, but I digress from the topic at hand . . . THOMAS

One of the "gifts" I received during my time in Tetelestai was an understanding of the apostle Thomas. If I could have any role in the play I would want to be Thomas. If I could meet any person in history I would want to meet Thomas.

"Blessed are you because you have seen. But I say to you, blessed are they that have not seen, yet believe".

When Jesus came back to that upper room, God could have "fixed" him so he was whole once again. But God knew of Thomas' unbelief and allowed the nail holes to remain in the savior's hands just for Thomas . . . to make a believer out of him!!!! How incredible is that????
Thinking about Thomas makes me stop and think of the ways God reveals Christ to me each and every day. It also provides a check and balance for me to make sure I'm reflecting Christ to those people that might need to "see" before believing.
