I like winter because I know from science and experience that it is temporary. About this time of year, all the knowledge and experience is forgotten and winter seems here to stay . . . It is cold and dreary. At least during the peak of winter we have snow that makes everything beautiful and brilliant with its whiteness - I guess this is what "they" mean by the dead of winter. Everywhere you look you see vegitation that is dead - shrubs, flower beds, grass - that with spring will be re-born and vibrant. But waking to this day after day makes spring seem very far off. I've been invited to go to the Cleveland Botanical Garden tomorrow. I'm so eager . . . to see beauty and life in the dead of winter . . . I probably won't want to leave it.
Add to this the anxiety of wanting to get on my motorcycle . . . in my circle of friends (mostly bikers) this is all we talk about. Planning events to ride in. Planning vacation rides. Planning ride and dines. Planning rallys to ride to. I have gone so far as to turn the heater on in the garage, move the jeep out and sit on my bike and "ride" her around the garage. If I had a trailer, Miss Behavin and I would definitely vacation in Florida!
Time to swap loads of laundry, then get myself to the gym.
Ciao til next time.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Another Season

It started again last night - Tetelestai (on the web @ http://www.tetelestai-cpam.org/). I was stressing because I wanted to drive to Brecksville for opening night but we were under a lake effect snow warning and as I age, er, um, mature . . . I am growing less fond of driving in snow after dark. Something about not being able to see the road terrifies me - go figure. Well the warning was cancelled around 2:00 so off I went. It was a very good show. The director made some creative and spiritually powerful changes that left me with goose bumps!
Being a former cast member, sitting in the audience was a different perspective. I stayed close to my comfort zone and sat in front of my peeps at the sound board - they know and understand my emotions whereas if I had sat amongst perfect strangers I would have felt somewhat self-conscience wiping tears and sniffling for self control.
It was also good to connect with the rest of my "family" - my sunshine Elizabeth - a 26 yr old young lady with some learning disabilites whom had a horrid childhood until she was adopted by the most faithfilled humble attorney and his family. Then there's my favorite diva, Theresa. She has MS and is absolutely my hero. She gets up and into her motorized wheelchair when her husband Joe (one of my soundboard buds) leaves for work - about 6:30 a.m. and is in it unitl he puts her to bed at night. This is the wee hours of the morning on performance days. Theresa is often overlooked by the cast - she doesn't want special treatment and hesitates to ask for help. I was her advocate and oftentimes her mouthpiece. I remember one facility had 3 small steps down to our "gathering area" where we hold prayer and praise prior to the show and at intermission. She was "parked" at the top of the stairs and around the corner trying to participate as best she could - I went to my DS and requested he and some of the guys go and lift her chair down those steps so she could fully participate with us. They did and our family was complete once she joined us. See what I mean? How many cast members walked right past her before I got there and didn't see her? Anyhow, it was great to sit and talk with her last night. And by best girlfriend Barb - whom my kids swear is my twin and we were separated at birth! And my surrogate dad Tom - when he saw me walking toward him he just held his arms open and I walked into them. I hadn't seen him since I made the decision not to be in the cast. He's one of the people I miss the most. He's taught me sooooo much about trusting God and living a faith-filled life. I could go on and on because everyone in the cast has touched my heart at different times and in different ways.
I got home about 12:40 a.m - and was turning my light off at 12: 51! Now it's almost 10 a.m and I'd better get started on my Saturday chores - Teen Challenge tonight with CMA!!!! I can't wait!
Being a former cast member, sitting in the audience was a different perspective. I stayed close to my comfort zone and sat in front of my peeps at the sound board - they know and understand my emotions whereas if I had sat amongst perfect strangers I would have felt somewhat self-conscience wiping tears and sniffling for self control.
It was also good to connect with the rest of my "family" - my sunshine Elizabeth - a 26 yr old young lady with some learning disabilites whom had a horrid childhood until she was adopted by the most faithfilled humble attorney and his family. Then there's my favorite diva, Theresa. She has MS and is absolutely my hero. She gets up and into her motorized wheelchair when her husband Joe (one of my soundboard buds) leaves for work - about 6:30 a.m. and is in it unitl he puts her to bed at night. This is the wee hours of the morning on performance days. Theresa is often overlooked by the cast - she doesn't want special treatment and hesitates to ask for help. I was her advocate and oftentimes her mouthpiece. I remember one facility had 3 small steps down to our "gathering area" where we hold prayer and praise prior to the show and at intermission. She was "parked" at the top of the stairs and around the corner trying to participate as best she could - I went to my DS and requested he and some of the guys go and lift her chair down those steps so she could fully participate with us. They did and our family was complete once she joined us. See what I mean? How many cast members walked right past her before I got there and didn't see her? Anyhow, it was great to sit and talk with her last night. And by best girlfriend Barb - whom my kids swear is my twin and we were separated at birth! And my surrogate dad Tom - when he saw me walking toward him he just held his arms open and I walked into them. I hadn't seen him since I made the decision not to be in the cast. He's one of the people I miss the most. He's taught me sooooo much about trusting God and living a faith-filled life. I could go on and on because everyone in the cast has touched my heart at different times and in different ways.
I got home about 12:40 a.m - and was turning my light off at 12: 51! Now it's almost 10 a.m and I'd better get started on my Saturday chores - Teen Challenge tonight with CMA!!!! I can't wait!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Over Easy is good
Thanks to my niece over at the Beaver Family Blog, I've been hungry for eggs over easy . . . Don't get alarmed, I'm relatively certain I'm not pregnant! Anyhow, tonight's dinner was just that - Eggs over easy and 2 slices of light whole grain wheat bread toasted. That was after my workout. My DS begins his role as Jesus in Tetelestai this weekend and dress rehearsal was tonight - an hour and 10 minute drive in good weather. Roads are snow covered and slippery and it took him 2 hrs to get there. I'll be up until I get a call saying he's home. Anywho, I had the pleasure of going to play with his dog and potty her in his absence. I think it's time for her to sleepover - we do a girl's night - you know, movie, ice cream, paint our nails . . . that kind of stuff. The last time I did her nails no one wanted to walk down the street with her . . . they were bright RED! I phoned DS and warned him she looked like a hoochy mama with her pretty red nails!
Soooo, on my way to see my grand-dogdaughter I stopped at the hospital to visit my cousin. I have 2 cousins in town on my Dad's side of the family - the older is dying of Cancer. Her battle began a year ago with breast cancer and now it has spread. She is in denial and has requested to proceed with Chemotherapy. I was shocked when I saw her tonight. Pale, thin, very weak and quite emotional. Her sense of humor is still in tact, however. I explained how my DS is Jesus and I'd see about him visiting her and turning her water into wine. I also said that made me the mother of God and I was going to start an RV Club . . . she gave me a quizzical look and I said that I am the Recycled Virgin Mother of God - an RV and I was looking for more members of the club. I thought she was going to fall off her chair laughing! Good thing her dear sister wasn't drinking a beverage - she laughed so hard it would have come out her nose! I was there about 1/2 hour before I noticed her beginning to tire, so I said my good-byes and I love yous and left with a heavy heart.
I went and pottied the wonder dog, then went to the grocery store. Came home and resumed the task of washing clothes. That's a vicious cycle isn't it? Wear them, wash them, dry (iron)them , put them away, wear them . . . Nudists might be on to something!
It's getting late. Think I'm ready to tuck it in and read! I'm more that halfway in the novel and haven't read the ending yet! Talk about self control. Grisham is the only author that makes me do that! I get to a point where I can't stand the twists and turns of the plot so I read the end then go back and read how it got there - besides, what if I die before finishing the book? I wouldn't know the outcome!
Soooo, on my way to see my grand-dogdaughter I stopped at the hospital to visit my cousin. I have 2 cousins in town on my Dad's side of the family - the older is dying of Cancer. Her battle began a year ago with breast cancer and now it has spread. She is in denial and has requested to proceed with Chemotherapy. I was shocked when I saw her tonight. Pale, thin, very weak and quite emotional. Her sense of humor is still in tact, however. I explained how my DS is Jesus and I'd see about him visiting her and turning her water into wine. I also said that made me the mother of God and I was going to start an RV Club . . . she gave me a quizzical look and I said that I am the Recycled Virgin Mother of God - an RV and I was looking for more members of the club. I thought she was going to fall off her chair laughing! Good thing her dear sister wasn't drinking a beverage - she laughed so hard it would have come out her nose! I was there about 1/2 hour before I noticed her beginning to tire, so I said my good-byes and I love yous and left with a heavy heart.
I went and pottied the wonder dog, then went to the grocery store. Came home and resumed the task of washing clothes. That's a vicious cycle isn't it? Wear them, wash them, dry (iron)them , put them away, wear them . . . Nudists might be on to something!
It's getting late. Think I'm ready to tuck it in and read! I'm more that halfway in the novel and haven't read the ending yet! Talk about self control. Grisham is the only author that makes me do that! I get to a point where I can't stand the twists and turns of the plot so I read the end then go back and read how it got there - besides, what if I die before finishing the book? I wouldn't know the outcome!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Back to Reality
It's Tuesday and I'm home enjoying my second cup of coffee before I get started on my day.
I spent yesterday travelling the backroads of Amish country. The rolling farmlands, children playing on stark, almost primitive playgrounds, laundry hanging outside and one farmer with his team of horses turning over his cornfield - all in 29 degree weather! Part of my attitude adjustment therapy is soaking in the hotel's hot tub with whatever novel I'm reading at the time. I guess when I was packing I was concentrating on the necessities for the many facets of my trip that I forgot my bathing suit. That's the real reason I cut my trip short. The next best thing will be a play date with my buckaroo!
I'll have a 3 day work week with an exciting weekend to look forward to! The passion play ministry our family has been a part of for the past 12 years opens Friday night in Brecksville! Opening night is always exciting and I wouldn't miss it. Saturday night is TEEN CHALLENGE!!! CMA is taking dinner to the men - my contribution will be taco salad this month. Please, if you are so inclined, add Teen Challenge to your prayer list. They are operating financially on a week by week basis. Thank you.
I spent yesterday travelling the backroads of Amish country. The rolling farmlands, children playing on stark, almost primitive playgrounds, laundry hanging outside and one farmer with his team of horses turning over his cornfield - all in 29 degree weather! Part of my attitude adjustment therapy is soaking in the hotel's hot tub with whatever novel I'm reading at the time. I guess when I was packing I was concentrating on the necessities for the many facets of my trip that I forgot my bathing suit. That's the real reason I cut my trip short. The next best thing will be a play date with my buckaroo!
I'll have a 3 day work week with an exciting weekend to look forward to! The passion play ministry our family has been a part of for the past 12 years opens Friday night in Brecksville! Opening night is always exciting and I wouldn't miss it. Saturday night is TEEN CHALLENGE!!! CMA is taking dinner to the men - my contribution will be taco salad this month. Please, if you are so inclined, add Teen Challenge to your prayer list. They are operating financially on a week by week basis. Thank you.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Attitude Adjustment? Me???
Things have been so stressful at work I decided I'd show them . . . I took 2 days vacation - Friday and Tuesday. With tomorrow being a holiday that gave me 5 days off. Low and behold, with Wednesday's windstorm our school district was closed Thursday! 6 day weekend! yippee skippee! Not sure what I did Thursday, but I got up Friday morning and did 2 loads of laundry so I could leave town for my CMA Seaons of Refreshing rally in Zanesville. I had to pick up the lady riding down with me at 12:15 in Perry where she was leaving her car and 3 boys. Before picking her up I had to get to quick lube in Madison and get my oil changed. Why I didn't do all this Thursday is beyond me! But I got er done and we were on our way by 12:45.
It was amazing! 251 Christian bikers under one roof! Singing, praising, laughing and learning about our common goal - winning souls for the Kingdom of God. When we were done Saturday, I left the group and headed east to my baby sister's house in PA. She recently bought a house to make her home and I was anxious to see her new digs. Spent the night and left not sure where I would end up. I wanted to go someplace different, but yet the tried and true works and since I know the environment I feel safe staying by myself there. When you travel alone as I generally do, it would easy to get comfortable and let your guard down - that's all it would take to become a statistic - one careless decision. So I am sequestered in a familiar hotel with my bible, my journal, my novel, my ipod and of course my laptop. (I'll soon have a comforter in the form of a pizza with ham and pineapple) I am in the heart of Amish country. This is my chosen place for retreating from the world. Spending time in the Amish community helps me regain my focus and put my life in perspective. They help me remember the importance of things: God first, Family second, and all the other stuff fits in someplace down the list of priorities. I usually stay 2 nights but I think I'm heading home tomorrow afternoon after visiting some of my favorite places here. The hardware store, the furniture store, the cheese factory and Chili's of Berlin (a specialty store for those who like it hot).
Ok. I've got some chillin' to do.
It was amazing! 251 Christian bikers under one roof! Singing, praising, laughing and learning about our common goal - winning souls for the Kingdom of God. When we were done Saturday, I left the group and headed east to my baby sister's house in PA. She recently bought a house to make her home and I was anxious to see her new digs. Spent the night and left not sure where I would end up. I wanted to go someplace different, but yet the tried and true works and since I know the environment I feel safe staying by myself there. When you travel alone as I generally do, it would easy to get comfortable and let your guard down - that's all it would take to become a statistic - one careless decision. So I am sequestered in a familiar hotel with my bible, my journal, my novel, my ipod and of course my laptop. (I'll soon have a comforter in the form of a pizza with ham and pineapple) I am in the heart of Amish country. This is my chosen place for retreating from the world. Spending time in the Amish community helps me regain my focus and put my life in perspective. They help me remember the importance of things: God first, Family second, and all the other stuff fits in someplace down the list of priorities. I usually stay 2 nights but I think I'm heading home tomorrow afternoon after visiting some of my favorite places here. The hardware store, the furniture store, the cheese factory and Chili's of Berlin (a specialty store for those who like it hot).
Ok. I've got some chillin' to do.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Back on the Potter's wheel
Just about the time my head stopped spinning, God up and tosses me back on the wheel to spin and remold and reshape me in His valliant attempt to create a beautiful masterpiece from this hunk of clay.
It's been a pretty intense weekend with my awesome God. Very recently He's given me a second chance. A door that was closed and forgotten has been opened. Just today, not knowing what was going on, a friend commented that if you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life . . . let it. I even went to the gym to work out this morning before church . . . wassup with that??? Definitely the Spirit moving this tired old body that early on a Sunday morning!
Last weekend when I was at the Family Christian Book Store, one of their family perk picks for the month is the movie, Facing the Giants. I'd seen it in the video stores, but it has football players on the jacket so I never considered renting it.
I bought the video and watched it last night. A very timely reminder to me . . . No matter how big our giant is . . . our God is bigger and there's NOTHING he can't do. When I win, Praise Him. When I lose, Praise Him.
Ok. I've gotta get to the store and stock up on my week's fruit, veggies and yogurt.
It's been a pretty intense weekend with my awesome God. Very recently He's given me a second chance. A door that was closed and forgotten has been opened. Just today, not knowing what was going on, a friend commented that if you get a second chance, grab it with both hands. If it changes your life . . . let it. I even went to the gym to work out this morning before church . . . wassup with that??? Definitely the Spirit moving this tired old body that early on a Sunday morning!
Last weekend when I was at the Family Christian Book Store, one of their family perk picks for the month is the movie, Facing the Giants. I'd seen it in the video stores, but it has football players on the jacket so I never considered renting it.
I bought the video and watched it last night. A very timely reminder to me . . . No matter how big our giant is . . . our God is bigger and there's NOTHING he can't do. When I win, Praise Him. When I lose, Praise Him.
Ok. I've gotta get to the store and stock up on my week's fruit, veggies and yogurt.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Just Stuff . . .
Well, it's finally Friday. Work is getting more stressful by the day. I'm not going to go into all that now cuz I spent an hour at the gym working out the stress and frustrations. Reviewing it now would bring back those feelings which means I'd hafta go back to the gym and I'm already showered in my jammies. Suffice it to say that I've applied for a job in another school district. Que sera.
My workout was intense for a Friday. I usually take Friday off from working out but missed Monday (mental health day) and I missed Thursday. So I did Thursday's work out today. Lower body resistance and a short cardio (2 miles on the treadmill - 1 mile was uphill)
I recently joined a Freecycle community. It's an online group where you post via e-mail something you have that you want to get rid of - FOR FREE. Someone that needs that item contacts you and comes and takes it off your hands. Or, if you need something you can post that need and someone that has that item contacts you and you pick it up FOR FREE. The purpose is to keep stuff from landing in the landfills. Recycling your unwanted stuff but not having a garage/yard sale. Last Sunday I saw someone offered a car seat. Since I'd like to be able to transport my buckaroo safely I contacted the giver. I drove to Geneva after work yesterday to pick it up!!! I'm laundering the fabric liner as we speak. I then had the kids and their families over for dinner. They stepped into my test kitchen where I had prepared a new recipe - hamburger soup. It was delicious. I put some chipotle cheddar cheese in it and called it Cheeseburger soup. Before we ate, my buckaroo had his cereal and squash, so he sat in the high chair while we dined. It wasn't long before we heard a bodily function sound coming from his butt. Several times. He continued this all evening. I have re-named him. He's my rootinist tootinist buckaroo! Have I mentioned that I love that boy immensely?? Tootin and all.
After the kids, grandkid and dogs left, I decided I'd "start" the process of filing my taxes. Next thing I knew it was 11:30!!! I decided to "finish later" and logged off the software. I finished them this morning and got my confirming e-mail already saying they were accepted!!! In 10 days my jeep can get tires and and exhaust system!!!!
Ok. The dryer buzzed so I'd better get the dry ones out and put the wet ones in.
My workout was intense for a Friday. I usually take Friday off from working out but missed Monday (mental health day) and I missed Thursday. So I did Thursday's work out today. Lower body resistance and a short cardio (2 miles on the treadmill - 1 mile was uphill)
I recently joined a Freecycle community. It's an online group where you post via e-mail something you have that you want to get rid of - FOR FREE. Someone that needs that item contacts you and comes and takes it off your hands. Or, if you need something you can post that need and someone that has that item contacts you and you pick it up FOR FREE. The purpose is to keep stuff from landing in the landfills. Recycling your unwanted stuff but not having a garage/yard sale. Last Sunday I saw someone offered a car seat. Since I'd like to be able to transport my buckaroo safely I contacted the giver. I drove to Geneva after work yesterday to pick it up!!! I'm laundering the fabric liner as we speak. I then had the kids and their families over for dinner. They stepped into my test kitchen where I had prepared a new recipe - hamburger soup. It was delicious. I put some chipotle cheddar cheese in it and called it Cheeseburger soup. Before we ate, my buckaroo had his cereal and squash, so he sat in the high chair while we dined. It wasn't long before we heard a bodily function sound coming from his butt. Several times. He continued this all evening. I have re-named him. He's my rootinist tootinist buckaroo! Have I mentioned that I love that boy immensely?? Tootin and all.
After the kids, grandkid and dogs left, I decided I'd "start" the process of filing my taxes. Next thing I knew it was 11:30!!! I decided to "finish later" and logged off the software. I finished them this morning and got my confirming e-mail already saying they were accepted!!! In 10 days my jeep can get tires and and exhaust system!!!!
Ok. The dryer buzzed so I'd better get the dry ones out and put the wet ones in.
Monday, February 2, 2009
I've fallen in LOVE (Twitterpated?)
Relax. It's not what you think!!!
It happened at the I-X center - the Motorcycle show! I had heard about Honda's revolutionary endeaver - THE FURY. I couldn't picture Honda putting a chopper in there line of bikes . . . I was surprisingly blown away! It is one sweet machine. When I sat on it they were hard-pressed to get me off! It felt amazingly right. I could feel the love . . . It is 1300cc but is pretty lightweight, sits nice an low and I could picture myself cruising on it. I wish I had asked someone to take a picture of me on it with my phone, but this is the best I could do. . .
Am I right???? Sweet, huh? The only thing missing is my butt on the seat! $17,000! Imagine the power of 1300cc between your legs! That's double what I have now!. Oh, and Miss Behavin` doesn't know I cheated on her so shhh.

All kidding aside, I had a great time at the show. I actually saw some folks I know in the local motorcycling community! We are all waiting for 2 good drenching rains to get the salt off the roads so we can ride! It was 42 degrees yesterday and some fool diehard had his bike parked outside the IX center when I left. It was coated in a white film of road salt and grime. I'll wait impatiently, thank you very much.
I called in sick today - I was in dire need of a "mental health" day. My medication works better than prozac or any other man-made drug . . . a visit with my buckaroo lifts my spirits like nothing in any drugstore! Before that I did some praying and thinking and sorting out and came to some important conclusions. God opened the door for me to act on one of the conculsions which made my time with my buckaroo that much better! Time now to rustle up some vittles.
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