I haven't taken vacation time during the holidays in a long time. I decided it would be nice to not have the stress of work to take away from the peace and joy of the holidays. I LOVE Christmas, and I must say, this was the best Christmas I've had in a number of years. I think the biggest difference is that I've been worshipping regularly this past year . . . and in doing so, have found a fabulous faith community that I have officially joined - Jefferson United Methodist Church. I felt the love of God this Christmas that He meant for us to have - along with His gifts of peace and joy. I enjoyed worship Christmas Eve better than I have in years. A traditional candlelight communion service. This probably comes as a shock to those of you who know I attend a very non-traditional service every Sunday in a biker bar. All I can say is that we each need to worship where our spirit is fed. The service at the biker bar feeds my spirit weekly, but for Christmas Eve I need a more contemplative worship experience.
This Christmas Eve we went back to a "no gifting" policy. The gatherings on Christmas Eve of my childhood were all about the gift of fellowship - family and friends being together. Food and laughter in abundance, then attending a worship service (midnight mass in our family). Christmas day (and the following days) allowed for other kinds of gifts. I think this helped my Christmas be more Christ-centered too.
And of course my grandkidlets make any day special and fun - just watching them takes my breath away . . . I fall deeper in love with them each time I see them.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Well, well, well. We are having our first snow (calamity) day this school year. The state wisely (?) decided to reduce (across the board) the number of calamity days from 5 to 3. If a district closes for more than 3 days, the days will have to be made up someplace in the school year calendar - usually at the end of the year. It is my humble opinion that consideration should be given to the local climates. Districts in southern OH have entirely different winters than those of us up North, especially those of us on Lake Erie. One good snow (ice) storm and we could us up our 3 days. It doesn' matter to me because I work all year anyway, it just seems unfair.
I've mixed and baked a batch of cookies, made some yummy candy things out of pretzels/hershey kisses/m & m's - all before 8:00. I'm ready for a warm blanket and a short nap. I may go into the office and take care of some things while it's quiet there. Then again, I may not... I'd like to get the tree in from the garage and at least put it in the stand, maybe string the lights. We'll see. With Mom's passing this past April, I fear some of the emotion of some of my decorations . . stuff she gave me from my childhood. Good memories. Happy memories. But emotional nonetheless. We'll see.
I am amazed that some folks continue to whine about the cold and the snow. This is Northeast OHIO in December. It's supposed to be cold and snowy. If you don't like it . . . MOVE. Otherwise shut up and enjoy the beauty of the different seasons. God planned it this way for us to enjoy - the changing seasons help us to not get too comfortable in our life....just as we go through different changes in our faith journey to keep us from getting too comfortable and take our salvation for granted. We need change.
OK. enough ranting. Time for a short nap before I make some more cookies. Maybe I'll whip up a crock pot of Brunswick stew!
I've mixed and baked a batch of cookies, made some yummy candy things out of pretzels/hershey kisses/m & m's - all before 8:00. I'm ready for a warm blanket and a short nap. I may go into the office and take care of some things while it's quiet there. Then again, I may not... I'd like to get the tree in from the garage and at least put it in the stand, maybe string the lights. We'll see. With Mom's passing this past April, I fear some of the emotion of some of my decorations . . stuff she gave me from my childhood. Good memories. Happy memories. But emotional nonetheless. We'll see.
I am amazed that some folks continue to whine about the cold and the snow. This is Northeast OHIO in December. It's supposed to be cold and snowy. If you don't like it . . . MOVE. Otherwise shut up and enjoy the beauty of the different seasons. God planned it this way for us to enjoy - the changing seasons help us to not get too comfortable in our life....just as we go through different changes in our faith journey to keep us from getting too comfortable and take our salvation for granted. We need change.
OK. enough ranting. Time for a short nap before I make some more cookies. Maybe I'll whip up a crock pot of Brunswick stew!
Saturday, December 11, 2010
I'm back!!!!
I've been having a lot of "moments" lately....mostly relating to my grandkidlets, and I thought I'd use this blog as the vehicle with which to share these.
My CMA chapter helps the Salvation Army ring the bell during the holiday season. This year we had 2 locations that were both indoors - always a plus as the weather in North East Ohio this time of year can be chilly. Since it was only an hour and it was indoors, I offered to take D, grandkidlet #1. He's 2-1/2 yr old and is like a little sponge, soaking up things he hears and sees. He also likes to ride in Gamma's Jeep.
So off we went to ring the bell. When he noticed folks putting money in the red bucket, I decided to make it a teaching moment. I explained in toddler terms about boys and girls that don't have peanut butter & jelly and are not able to have P B & J sandwiches. The kind people that put $ in the bucket are helping these children to have things they need like peanut butter & jelly. So we rang the bell, smiled and greeted the generous folks in Jefferson, OH.
This was on Saturday after Thanksgiving. On Monday I get a text message from my daughter : So, your grandson has his sand pail and is going around saying, "put money in my bucket" I'm believing his intention was to give the money to needy children! The afore mentioned sponge!!!!
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From infancy I've been telling him the same 4 words. I have continued repeating this same sentence to his sister, now almost 11 months old.
Last week I picked him up to hug and kiss him good-bye and I said my usual, "I love you immensely, Buckaroo". He hugged me and said, "I love you immensely, Gamma". My heart swelled, my feet felt like lead and my leggs felt like jelly. I couldn't move. Nor did I want to. I wanted to hang on to that moment (and him)forever.
I've explained to him how much "immensely" is. Someday he will comprehend and fully understand that there is no concrete measurement to the love I have for him and his sister. It is infinite. What can I say? It's a Gamma thang.
My CMA chapter helps the Salvation Army ring the bell during the holiday season. This year we had 2 locations that were both indoors - always a plus as the weather in North East Ohio this time of year can be chilly. Since it was only an hour and it was indoors, I offered to take D, grandkidlet #1. He's 2-1/2 yr old and is like a little sponge, soaking up things he hears and sees. He also likes to ride in Gamma's Jeep.
So off we went to ring the bell. When he noticed folks putting money in the red bucket, I decided to make it a teaching moment. I explained in toddler terms about boys and girls that don't have peanut butter & jelly and are not able to have P B & J sandwiches. The kind people that put $ in the bucket are helping these children to have things they need like peanut butter & jelly. So we rang the bell, smiled and greeted the generous folks in Jefferson, OH.
This was on Saturday after Thanksgiving. On Monday I get a text message from my daughter : So, your grandson has his sand pail and is going around saying, "put money in my bucket" I'm believing his intention was to give the money to needy children! The afore mentioned sponge!!!!
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From infancy I've been telling him the same 4 words. I have continued repeating this same sentence to his sister, now almost 11 months old.
Last week I picked him up to hug and kiss him good-bye and I said my usual, "I love you immensely, Buckaroo". He hugged me and said, "I love you immensely, Gamma". My heart swelled, my feet felt like lead and my leggs felt like jelly. I couldn't move. Nor did I want to. I wanted to hang on to that moment (and him)forever.
I've explained to him how much "immensely" is. Someday he will comprehend and fully understand that there is no concrete measurement to the love I have for him and his sister. It is infinite. What can I say? It's a Gamma thang.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Does this bother anyone else??? I work in an office with 4 other women. At one time there were 7 of us and the gossip has always bothered me . . . to the point where I have picked up my lunch from the table and went to sit in my car to eat. That was a quite few years ago. My solution was to avoid spending time with these ladies so I wouldn't have to be subjected to thier gossip. When my son-in-law wanted to talk to me about marrying my daughter, he took me to a local establishment for a drink and one of my co-workers was there with a group of her friends. I knew that within 24 hours I would be the talk of the school district. By 10 a.m. the next morning, word was out in my office that I was seen out on a date with a much younger man. This woman went to everyone else in the office pumping them for any info they might have on my personal life. She never came to me. The one person in the office that I am friends with told "Ms Gossip" that he was someone I met online and the "drink date" was our first actual meeting! It's what Ms Gossip wanted to hear. Juicy gossip. So we fed it to her.
I'm older and bolder now. I let my intolerance be known. Recently our CMA treasurer was sharing "in Christian love". She was repeating what she heard from another chapter secretary - about their road captain's son becoming a member of CMA and how he wasn't even saved and was living with a woman before he was divorced, etc, etc. Our treasurer doesn't even know the young man personally . . . let alone what's in his heart. I was livid. This was in our chapter's officer's meeting. I seethingly asked her to stop becasue what she was saying was gossip. I now regret the seething part, but not having asked her to stop. In retrospect I could have been a little gentler . . . but the young man's parents are friends of mine with whom I had spoken regarding this matter and felt I needed to stop the poison from being spread any further.
A wise lawyer friend provided this test to me: Think about what you are about to say and ask yourself these 3 questions.
I'm older and bolder now. I let my intolerance be known. Recently our CMA treasurer was sharing "in Christian love". She was repeating what she heard from another chapter secretary - about their road captain's son becoming a member of CMA and how he wasn't even saved and was living with a woman before he was divorced, etc, etc. Our treasurer doesn't even know the young man personally . . . let alone what's in his heart. I was livid. This was in our chapter's officer's meeting. I seethingly asked her to stop becasue what she was saying was gossip. I now regret the seething part, but not having asked her to stop. In retrospect I could have been a little gentler . . . but the young man's parents are friends of mine with whom I had spoken regarding this matter and felt I needed to stop the poison from being spread any further.
A wise lawyer friend provided this test to me: Think about what you are about to say and ask yourself these 3 questions.
- Is what I'm about to say kind?
- Is what I'm about to say true?
- Is what I'm about to say necessary to be said?
If the statement you are about to make doesn't pass this test with all YES answers, dont' say it.
If what you're about to say would hurt someone if they knew you were saying it, if you don't have first-hand knowledge that what you're saying is true or if the statement could be left unspoken without dire ramifications . . . don't say it.
It's not rocket science and gossip hurts. Enough venting. Until next time and topic at least.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Last night was the opening prayerformance of Tetelestai - the passion play produced by the Cleveland Performing Arts Ministries. Our family has been involved with this ministry for about 13 years. This is my second season "sitting out" so to speak. My son, Matt, remains involved.
A few years ago, I heard God telling me it was time to let go of that ministry. I didn't listen and the next year I was given a very powerful role - a converting LOE (Lady Of the Evening!) I knew that would be my last gift from God in Tetelestai. CMA has taken it's place as far as ministry and personal growth. Ah, but I digress from the topic at hand . . . THOMAS
One of the "gifts" I received during my time in Tetelestai was an understanding of the apostle Thomas. If I could have any role in the play I would want to be Thomas. If I could meet any person in history I would want to meet Thomas.
"Blessed are you because you have seen. But I say to you, blessed are they that have not seen, yet believe".
When Jesus came back to that upper room, God could have "fixed" him so he was whole once again. But God knew of Thomas' unbelief and allowed the nail holes to remain in the savior's hands just for Thomas . . . to make a believer out of him!!!! How incredible is that????
Thinking about Thomas makes me stop and think of the ways God reveals Christ to me each and every day. It also provides a check and balance for me to make sure I'm reflecting Christ to those people that might need to "see" before believing.
A few years ago, I heard God telling me it was time to let go of that ministry. I didn't listen and the next year I was given a very powerful role - a converting LOE (Lady Of the Evening!) I knew that would be my last gift from God in Tetelestai. CMA has taken it's place as far as ministry and personal growth. Ah, but I digress from the topic at hand . . . THOMAS
One of the "gifts" I received during my time in Tetelestai was an understanding of the apostle Thomas. If I could have any role in the play I would want to be Thomas. If I could meet any person in history I would want to meet Thomas.
"Blessed are you because you have seen. But I say to you, blessed are they that have not seen, yet believe".
When Jesus came back to that upper room, God could have "fixed" him so he was whole once again. But God knew of Thomas' unbelief and allowed the nail holes to remain in the savior's hands just for Thomas . . . to make a believer out of him!!!! How incredible is that????
Thinking about Thomas makes me stop and think of the ways God reveals Christ to me each and every day. It also provides a check and balance for me to make sure I'm reflecting Christ to those people that might need to "see" before believing.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
A Busy Time
Another Saturday! Seems the only day I have time to post!
This week was busy...but I managed to get to the gym 4 days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday(today).
So, the days I didn't work out...let's see....Monday was a holiday. Could have gotten there early in the day, but was just plain lazy, then in the afternoon, I met a friend for an early dinner. Wednesday was the day our Sprout chose to enter this world. That's right! A beautiful baby girl entered our family that day. 7 lb 7 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Takes my breath away just thinking about her! Friday I had tickets to the Improv Comedy Club in Cleveland. Matt got them for me for Christmas. Since I am unattached, I asked Matt to go with me. It's not unusual for he and I to hangout, but apparently it's an oddity to society. On our way to Cleveland I commented that people will think I'm a cougar - out on a date with a younger man. Welllllllll, we had VERY good seats....right at the edge of the stage where we were an easy target for the entertainers!!! There were 2 "warm up" guys and the headliner was a female. #2 warm-up guy asked our status...married, dating, other activity. Matt declared "this is my mom" and the guy remarked he thought maybe it was a cougar situation! The headliner made a bigger deal about it. Got alot of sweet awwwwwwws from the audience after making a comment about the cougar bit. It didn't bother Matt nor I. I have a son that is secure enough to let the world know it's ok to hang out with your mom (besides, she's picking up the tab)
Today it was 49 degrees. The snow has melted enough for me to find the outside Christmas lights on the shrubs and remove them. The snow is no longer knee deep so I could take down the wreaths from the front of the house and find the outdoor outlet in the flower bed to unplug the aforementioned lights and retrieve my extension cord. I arranged to cook & deliver dinner to Pam & John today so they had 1 less thing to attend to today. I made chicken n dumplins in my crockpot and whipped up a batch of Jiffy cornbread. If I say so myself it was delicious.
Tomorrow my CMA chapter will try to sell the rest of the soup we made and froze. I have 98 pints of various kinds of soup in my freezer. The Jefferson United Methodist Church is letting us set up our soup sale in their fellowship hall. I'm going to try to slip out to attend services at the bar around the corner. Maybe I'll attend the service at the church for a change to see how the people there are since I'm thinking about making the committment to join the church and become a full member of their faith community.
It's about time to think about winding this day down.
This week was busy...but I managed to get to the gym 4 days: Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday(today).
So, the days I didn't work out...let's see....Monday was a holiday. Could have gotten there early in the day, but was just plain lazy, then in the afternoon, I met a friend for an early dinner. Wednesday was the day our Sprout chose to enter this world. That's right! A beautiful baby girl entered our family that day. 7 lb 7 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Takes my breath away just thinking about her! Friday I had tickets to the Improv Comedy Club in Cleveland. Matt got them for me for Christmas. Since I am unattached, I asked Matt to go with me. It's not unusual for he and I to hangout, but apparently it's an oddity to society. On our way to Cleveland I commented that people will think I'm a cougar - out on a date with a younger man. Welllllllll, we had VERY good seats....right at the edge of the stage where we were an easy target for the entertainers!!! There were 2 "warm up" guys and the headliner was a female. #2 warm-up guy asked our status...married, dating, other activity. Matt declared "this is my mom" and the guy remarked he thought maybe it was a cougar situation! The headliner made a bigger deal about it. Got alot of sweet awwwwwwws from the audience after making a comment about the cougar bit. It didn't bother Matt nor I. I have a son that is secure enough to let the world know it's ok to hang out with your mom (besides, she's picking up the tab)
Today it was 49 degrees. The snow has melted enough for me to find the outside Christmas lights on the shrubs and remove them. The snow is no longer knee deep so I could take down the wreaths from the front of the house and find the outdoor outlet in the flower bed to unplug the aforementioned lights and retrieve my extension cord. I arranged to cook & deliver dinner to Pam & John today so they had 1 less thing to attend to today. I made chicken n dumplins in my crockpot and whipped up a batch of Jiffy cornbread. If I say so myself it was delicious.
Tomorrow my CMA chapter will try to sell the rest of the soup we made and froze. I have 98 pints of various kinds of soup in my freezer. The Jefferson United Methodist Church is letting us set up our soup sale in their fellowship hall. I'm going to try to slip out to attend services at the bar around the corner. Maybe I'll attend the service at the church for a change to see how the people there are since I'm thinking about making the committment to join the church and become a full member of their faith community.
It's about time to think about winding this day down.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It's been a busy Saturday!!
I'm not sure why, but I was hesitant to De-Christmas the house this year. I began taking the tree down last Tuesday an finally got it completely undecorated and out to the street last night - Friday. Well, not out to the street exactly . . . that will entail plodding through knee deep snow . . but it is off the porch!!! I put away all the other stuff - stockings, santa collection, nativity, etc - this morning. Maybe it has something to do with going down to the basement to bring up empty boxes, filling the boxes, then taking the boxes back down to the basement. And they never fit back on the shelves the way they did before Christmas . . . haven't been able to figure that out yet. Then I have to remember where I put all the stuff I moved to make room for the Christmas stuff. Once I find these items, I have to remember what goes where . . . But it's done!!!
After that, I loaded up all my recycle stuff and hauled it off to the city's recycle center . . . someday this community will go to curbside recycling, but until that happens, I will make periodic trips to the city dump to ensure my garbage isn't hanging around taking up valuable land space.
Then I went to the gym. I know . . . on a Saturday!!!! All I can say is New Year . . . New priorities. After a shower and cleaning up, I went to the grocery store. There were lots of BOGO specials . . . porkchops and roasts. Now I have to divide the "family pack" of pork chops into single servings and freeze them. I got 17 thick cut pork chops for $15 ! That's at least 8 meals for me!!! Coffee was on sale and everyone must be out of coffee cuz the shelf was empty . . . frozen chicken breasts too!!! I'll run by tomorrow morning on my way to church at the biker bar and see if they have restocked the shelves/freezers.
I had 2 coupons for 2 free movies each from Drug Mart, so on the way home I stopped and picked up a bunch of comedies. They are 7 day rentals so I have until next Saturday to get them watched. I think I'll pop some popcorn and get cozy under a blanket (it's 7 degrees outside) and watch one of them tonight.
GREAT NEWS::::: Something on thing on the horizon . . . . I've got plans to travel to Texas next month. I haven't been there in 2 1/2 years!!! My sister Deena is going too! That means us 3 girls will be together with MOM . . . I'm sure the visit will be bittersweet as I know mom has deteriorated immensely since I saw her last. But she's been on my heart since the beginning of December so I stepped up my prayers. That helped but I knew I needed to get out there. I did some checking and I had enough flyer miles on my credit card to get 2 airline tickets (mine & Deena's) for $10!
Popcorn and movie time!!!!
After that, I loaded up all my recycle stuff and hauled it off to the city's recycle center . . . someday this community will go to curbside recycling, but until that happens, I will make periodic trips to the city dump to ensure my garbage isn't hanging around taking up valuable land space.
Then I went to the gym. I know . . . on a Saturday!!!! All I can say is New Year . . . New priorities. After a shower and cleaning up, I went to the grocery store. There were lots of BOGO specials . . . porkchops and roasts. Now I have to divide the "family pack" of pork chops into single servings and freeze them. I got 17 thick cut pork chops for $15 ! That's at least 8 meals for me!!! Coffee was on sale and everyone must be out of coffee cuz the shelf was empty . . . frozen chicken breasts too!!! I'll run by tomorrow morning on my way to church at the biker bar and see if they have restocked the shelves/freezers.
I had 2 coupons for 2 free movies each from Drug Mart, so on the way home I stopped and picked up a bunch of comedies. They are 7 day rentals so I have until next Saturday to get them watched. I think I'll pop some popcorn and get cozy under a blanket (it's 7 degrees outside) and watch one of them tonight.
GREAT NEWS::::: Something on thing on the horizon . . . . I've got plans to travel to Texas next month. I haven't been there in 2 1/2 years!!! My sister Deena is going too! That means us 3 girls will be together with MOM . . . I'm sure the visit will be bittersweet as I know mom has deteriorated immensely since I saw her last. But she's been on my heart since the beginning of December so I stepped up my prayers. That helped but I knew I needed to get out there. I did some checking and I had enough flyer miles on my credit card to get 2 airline tickets (mine & Deena's) for $10!
Popcorn and movie time!!!!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Wintery Sunday
I braved the chilly temperatures and made it to church this a.m. - I'm glad I did . . . the music and the message were VERY good. The message was about darkness. How that by our nature, we fear the dark and that Jesus pierced that darkness . . . and comparing how a single match can create light in an absolute dark room the same as each of us, no matter how insignificant we feel, can make a difference by letting our light shine - the light (love) of Christ - reflect off of us. I took notice that the door to the "other side" of the bar remained wide open. There was 1 patron and 1 bar maid there. Yessiree. Seeds are being planted.
There is so much to do around here . . . a lot of organizing and cleaning out . . . however, I chose to spend the day watching the snow fall and the wind blow . . . and knitting a scarf to go with the new winter coat I bought yesterday. I bought 2 skeins of yarn yesterday and am on the second skein already! (Hoping for a snow day tomorrow - can clean and organize then)
I am awaiting the arrival of Grandchild #2. Since daughter and son-in-law chose n
ot to learn the gender of said grandchild, it has come to be known as our Beansprout.
Our due date is Jan 16, but I would be very surprised if Beansprout waits that long. What do you think? 

Well, I'd better get back to knitting.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
New Year . . . Similar Goals
I decided to re-visit last year's goals to see how I did:
1. Committment to pray everyday for cure/treatment for cancer and alzheimer's - I would have to say that I was relatively successful at this, however, it will stay on the list of goals for 2010, cuz I believe I can do better.
2. Get back to healthy food choices and regular excercise - meaning finding a balance between bicycling and motorcycling - This one definitely stays on the list of goals for 2010 - I wasn't on my bicycle once last summer . . . food choices were decent and if 4-5 times a week is regular excercise, then I did ok there.
3. Plan and execute an overnight motorcycling camping trip. YESSSSSSS. Better than overnight! I managed to load my bike with 8 days of clothing/toiletries, sleeping bag,
1. Committment to pray everyday for cure/treatment for cancer and alzheimer's - I would have to say that I was relatively successful at this, however, it will stay on the list of goals for 2010, cuz I believe I can do better.
2. Get back to healthy food choices and regular excercise - meaning finding a balance between bicycling and motorcycling - This one definitely stays on the list of goals for 2010 - I wasn't on my bicycle once last summer . . . food choices were decent and if 4-5 times a week is regular excercise, then I did ok there.
3. Plan and execute an overnight motorcycling camping trip. YESSSSSSS. Better than overnight! I managed to load my bike with 8 days of clothing/toiletries, sleeping bag,
rain gear, and tent and rode to West Virginia for a week's campout at CMA's national East rally!!!! WooHoo!
4. Find a church that feeds my spirit and just "feels right". It may stay on the 2010 goals list, but I'm getting closer . . . A Methodist church holds a Sunday a.m. service in a local biker bar, complete with B.A.R. band (born again rockers) that lead the praising! It's a service that is bare bones worship - singing/prasing, prayer, proclaiming the Word of God, breaking open the Word, more prayer, more praising/worship. Communion is celebrated twice a month. A bucket sits on the bar as you enter for the offering. This feels right. What is cool is that in the other room are bar patrons and it is my hope and prayer that seeds are being planted in their hearts as we raise our voices in song and prayer.
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Now, for 2010's goals in no particular order
4. Find a church that feeds my spirit and just "feels right". It may stay on the 2010 goals list, but I'm getting closer . . . A Methodist church holds a Sunday a.m. service in a local biker bar, complete with B.A.R. band (born again rockers) that lead the praising! It's a service that is bare bones worship - singing/prasing, prayer, proclaiming the Word of God, breaking open the Word, more prayer, more praising/worship. Communion is celebrated twice a month. A bucket sits on the bar as you enter for the offering. This feels right. What is cool is that in the other room are bar patrons and it is my hope and prayer that seeds are being planted in their hearts as we raise our voices in song and prayer.
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Now, for 2010's goals in no particular order
- Visit my mom in Texas
- Improve on my prayers for cure/treatment for cancer and alzheimers
- Continue the search and join a faith community
- Another motorcycle road trip - something relaxing and scenic
- Continue making heatlhy food choices and get on that bicycle!!!
- Spend less time on the computer . . . FB is a time thief.
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