I braved the chilly temperatures and made it to church this a.m. - I'm glad I did . . . the music and the message were VERY good. The message was about darkness. How that by our nature, we fear the dark and that Jesus pierced that darkness . . . and comparing how a single match can create light in an absolute dark room the same as each of us, no matter how insignificant we feel, can make a difference by letting our light shine - the light (love) of Christ - reflect off of us. I took notice that the door to the "other side" of the bar remained wide open. There was 1 patron and 1 bar maid there. Yessiree. Seeds are being planted.
There is so much to do around here . . . a lot of organizing and cleaning out . . . however, I chose to spend the day watching the snow fall and the wind blow . . . and knitting a scarf to go with the new winter coat I bought yesterday. I bought 2 skeins of yarn yesterday and am on the second skein already! (Hoping for a snow day tomorrow - can clean and organize then)
I am awaiting the arrival of Grandchild #2. Since daughter and son-in-law chose n
ot to learn the gender of said grandchild, it has come to be known as our Beansprout.
Our due date is Jan 16, but I would be very surprised if Beansprout waits that long. What do you think? 

Well, I'd better get back to knitting.
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