Well, well, well. We are having our first snow (calamity) day this school year. The state wisely (?) decided to reduce (across the board) the number of calamity days from 5 to 3. If a district closes for more than 3 days, the days will have to be made up someplace in the school year calendar - usually at the end of the year. It is my humble opinion that consideration should be given to the local climates. Districts in southern OH have entirely different winters than those of us up North, especially those of us on Lake Erie. One good snow (ice) storm and we could us up our 3 days. It doesn' matter to me because I work all year anyway, it just seems unfair.
I've mixed and baked a batch of cookies, made some yummy candy things out of pretzels/hershey kisses/m & m's - all before 8:00. I'm ready for a warm blanket and a short nap. I may go into the office and take care of some things while it's quiet there. Then again, I may not... I'd like to get the tree in from the garage and at least put it in the stand, maybe string the lights. We'll see. With Mom's passing this past April, I fear some of the emotion of some of my decorations . . stuff she gave me from my childhood. Good memories. Happy memories. But emotional nonetheless. We'll see.
I am amazed that some folks continue to whine about the cold and the snow. This is Northeast OHIO in December. It's supposed to be cold and snowy. If you don't like it . . . MOVE. Otherwise shut up and enjoy the beauty of the different seasons. God planned it this way for us to enjoy - the changing seasons help us to not get too comfortable in our life....just as we go through different changes in our faith journey to keep us from getting too comfortable and take our salvation for granted. We need change.
OK. enough ranting. Time for a short nap before I make some more cookies. Maybe I'll whip up a crock pot of Brunswick stew!
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