Winter is for me a time to slow down and reflect . . . and hope. Just as without Good Friday there can be no Easter - unless there is the cold and dreariness of Winter there can be no brightness and warmth of Spring. As with life itself, we need the yukky, messy, unpleasant times to be able to fully appreciate the good and pleasant times that eventually come. That's where the hope comes in . . . looking beyond the snow and ice - the shoveling and snowblowing - the slipping and sliding - the wind and cold.
Of course the bonus for me is working for our school district because when the snow piles up too much, they cancel school and I get a "snow day" - a day off to stay home and clean out closets and drawers, or just sit in front of a warm fire with a cup of tea and a novel!!!! (some staff members have been known to light prayer candles and offer up sacrifices to the snow gods
The image above was taken from my back door . . . It was a "snow event" we had before Thanksgiving this year.
Today (and every day) I am thankful for my job and all that it represents in my life - one being a warm place to do my thinking and reflecting in these dark months of winter . . .
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